What a night. Mum and dad had some friends coming round tonight so they were busy getting things ready when all of a sudden *crash*! Mum ran down the stairs to see what was going on and there was dad, in a panic, standing in amongst this mess! Oddly enough mum had her new camera to hand and took this photo....dad didn't really see the funny side of that actually!
Dad shouted to mum that she must get hold of me and not let me out into the utility room as he had dropped his lagers and there was broken glass everywhere. Well, me being me had to go and look and I got rather excited at the smell of beer. I wanted to get out there and lick it all up....but instead got taken into the living room and made to stay there while the mess was cleared up. I heard dad say that he couldn't believe what was happening as he had his trainers in one hand and the box of lagers he had in his other hand just all of a sudden broke. He was standing right by my downstairs bed and the lot just fell into the bed and there was nothing he could do about it. He was also amazed that only 4 bottles out of 24 broke.....he said it must have been his lucky night.
So now mum has had to wash all the cushion in my bed and to be honest, I'm not happy about that. It has taken me ages to get that cushion all smelly, dirty and nice and now she has gone and made it smell of some soap powder and softener stuff....I will have to go roll in the garden tomorrow and see how quickly I can make this bed mine again!